Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 4: Favorite TV Show

"The Waltons" is one of my favorite TV shows. Though my family doesn't watch much cable TV, we do have the Waltons DVDs. It's a great show about a family with seven children growing up during the Great Depression and in the later seasons WWII. Like every other TV show, some episodes are better than others. The first few seasons are definitely the best and I would highly recommend this show for  good, clean, family entertainment. (Below is a summary I found of the characters.)

You can also look up about the real Walton family that is actually the Hamner family. So this show is based on the lives of the Hamners. Earl Hamner is the one who wrote it too! I thought that was so interesting! You can also visit the Waltons Mountains museum in Virginia. 

Character Profiles

Grandpa Zeb Walton is the patriarch of the Walton family. He is John's father and has been married to Esther Walton for over 50 years. As Esther says, he has a gruff exterior, but a soft heart. He works with John in the family timber mill, and has a knack of being able to give good advice to everyone who asks, through the stories he tells. He is a church going man, but tells us that he really only goes to church for the singing, and throughout the show we can see that he does indeed enjoy singing. Other past-times he enjoys are fishing, dozing, walking on his mountain and enjoying a sip of the Baldwin ladies "recipe". His death is referred to at the beginning of season 7, however he remains in spirit as he is fondly remembered by other family members quite frequently.

Grandma Esther Walton is John's mother and is a very strong, independent and determined woman. Although she often seems to be very gruff, she loves her family dearly. She is very religious and comments that in her youth she was expected to go to church on Sundays and that the preaching often went on all day. She helps Olivia to look after the family and takes over the load when Olivia is not able to. During the run of the show, Ellen Corby, the actress who played Grandma so beautifully, suffered a stroke which kept her out of the show for a season. Consequently Grandma Walton also suffered a stroke in the show and from the episode "Grandma Comes Home" she became partially incapacitated. She still appears, however, at all the important Walton events.

John, and his wife Olivia, eloped we are told, and they celebrate several anniversaries over the course of the series, their 25th being during season 6. With his father he runs the lumber mill, and has earned the reputation of being an honest, hard working, reliable and kind man. He is "Daddy" to his seven children and they often turn to him for his kindly advice and support. He also seems to have quite romantic ideas such as taking his wife away on a honeymoon which they could never afford when first married. His one dream is to build another Walton home up on the mountain, to replace the one which was burned. He likes nothing better than to be up on the mountain whenever he can.

Olivia is the homemaker in the Walton household, "Mama" to her tribe. She is also a very religious woman and finds great comfort in reading her bible. She supports John in all that he does and is a very firm mother to her children, not tolerating any nonsense from them, but expecting them to all pitch in and help each other. She is mostly calm and says that it is a bad day whenever she loses her temper. Olivia gets great joy from raising and nurturing her children and is greatly upset to discover that she should have no more children. She contracts tuberculosis and is sent to recuperate away from her family, and she misses them greatly. In A Walton Wedding we see an Olivia who has become more liberated and has decided that she needs to go back to school so that she can learn more about her country.

The eldest Walton son, he is also known as John-Boy Walton. he is the eldest son. He is a very sensitive young man who is 18 at the beginning of the series, and aspires to be a writer, an ambition which he does in fact succeed at. When he graduates from the local high school he earns a scholarship to Boatwright University, where he majors in Journalism. He has many part time jobs, one of which is the running and writing of the Blue Ridge Chronicle, his own local newspaper. He eventually goes to the war zones to write war reports for a large newspaper. He also is very family orientated and has a special relationship with his brothers and sisters, especially young Elizabeth. Although he respects both his parents and grandparents, he is also stubborn enough to do what he feels is right, even if it means going against their wishes. He eventually marries Janet, a magazine editor from New York.

Jason is not much younger than John-Boy but seems to be continually trying to catch up with him. He sometimes feels that John-Boy is perfect and that he needs to be perfect too. He also finds it difficult when his father expects him to join him at working in the mill when he finishes high school. Jason is very musical, and decides to study music seriously. He earns a scholarship to study at the Klineberg Conservatory. At times he plays as a part of a group, both singing gospel music on the radio, and also playing at dances. He eventually takes over the Dew Drop Inn and marries Toni, a woman he met whilst in the army.

Mary Ellen is the eldest daughter, once a tomboy, who aspires to become a nurse. She meets her future husband, Curt Willard, when he comes to practice medicine in the Waltons Mountain community. She is working as his nurse, and is engaged to someone else. Their baby, John Curtis, is born and shortly after Curt is sent to war as part of the medical corps. Tragedy strikes when Curt is reported as being missing, presumed dead, and Mary Ellen becomes a single mother. She is very protective of John Curtis, perhaps overly so at times. She eventually meets and marries her second husband, Jonesy, and finds great happiness for herself and John Curtis with him. She also decides to return to study as a doctor and ends up delivering Jason's first baby.

Ben seems to be the one in the family who is always trying to make money by some type of scheme, and usually gets himself into trouble and has to be bailed out by his father or John-Boy. Even as an adult, running the mill in partnership with his father, he continues to make deals which sometimes don't work out well. He elopes to marry Cindy and together they have two children, Virginia and Charlie, to whom he is devoted. He continues to work at and run the timber mill with an assortment of people: his father, Paul Northridge, Erin's husband and Drew.
Erin's best friend is Mary Ellen and although they have many fights, they continue to be very close. Erin is considered to be the pretty one in the family, not the scholar. She falls in love many times and becomes especially fond of Ashley Longworth Junior, who breaks her heart when he leaves and marries someone else. She eventually meets Paul Northridge, who she marries and finds happiness with him. She works as a telephonist and later as a secretary.
James Robert is the youngest Walton boy and is better known as Jim-Bob. He is a young man who is fascinated by flying and planes, and aspires to be a pilot, however a need for glasses forces him to give up his dream. He eventually becomes a motor mechanic and opens his own business just opposite Ike's general store. He has a particularly close bond with Elizabeth, and although he has several girl friends it appears that his real love is Elizabeth's friend Aimee Godsey.
We see Elizabeth grow from a very young child into a young woman, through the course of the series. She is very sensitive, and seems to share John-Boy's love and talent for reading and writing. Her best friend is Aimee Godsey, Ike and Corabeth's daughter and Elizabeth is often given the chore of babysitting for her young nephews and nieces. She becomes romantically linked with Drew, who goes away to College then returns to Waltons Mountain to work in the mill, and she tells her father that she will eventually marry Drew. She has a mind of her own, and will not be swayed into doing the wrong thing by others.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 3: Favorite Book

Well, besides the Bible of course, my favorite book is a series. Usually I don't just read single books, but I love series, so that after I finish one I can pick up another with the same characters. My favorite series (or one of my favorites) is the Shadowcreek Chronicles. It is a set of four books about characters who lived during the Civil War. The civil war is my favorite time period and I find it so interesting! They are Christian books and are filled with adventure, bravery, and love. They also have very good morals. I definitely recommend them for young adult girls.

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Special Ceremony

Last night I went to my really good friend, Hannah Grace's Induction ceremony (and had lot's of fun with the camera. :) She goes to Atlantic Shores Christian School and got on the Honor Roll system by getting straight A's, having good character, doing a good service, and leadership. Congrats HG!! I went to her house before and did her hair. I thought she looked very pretty up there! I am so blessed that God has given me such a wonderful friend!

                                              Thanks to Mr. Rew who took these two for us!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 2: Favorite movie

This is also really hard for me to choose. I have sooooooooooo many favorites. I mean, movies and music. Who has a favorite!! I have been liking a lot of movies lately, so I'll do the last movie that I saw in the theater (which was in December)..................The Hobbit!!!!! It was so action and adventure packed. I loved it! I thought they did a really good job on it, too. If you haven't seen it............GO AND SEE IT!!

The dwarves are amazing!! I love all of their different weapons to depict their different personalities. (Some are really finny, too!) Kili is my favorite (though he doesn't seem very dwarf-like :)........and Thorin. I liked him better in the movie than in the book. 
Gandolf is a GREAT character. He is a favorite to many.
Gladriel has such extremely long hair! My friend Emily dressed up as her (she also has long blond hair, though not quites as long:-) for Hobbit day at our homeschool co-op because we were reading the Hobbit as a literature project and we all went and saw the movie the next day. She made a costume and looked exactly like her. :)

............................do you want to see it yet? :-) 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 1: Favorite Song

Wow! This one's hard. I have a great many favorite songs, but at the current time I really love "Good Morning." from Mandisa. It's a great Christian song to listen to, to start out your day!

30 Day Challenge

 I saw this 30 Day Challenge on a blog I read and I thought it would be really fun to do, so I will. Hope you enjoy! I also challenge you to do the same on your blog.........I'd love to see what you put! :-)

Day 1: A favorite song.
Day 2: A favorite movie.
Day 3: A favorite book.
Day 4: A favorite television program.
Day 5: A favorite quote.
Day 6: A moment you wish you could relive.
Day 7: Five things you couldn't possibly live without.
Day 8: A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life.
Day 9: A photo you took.
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago.
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently.
Day 12: A song that you want played at your wedding(or was played).
Day 13: A guilty pleasure.
Day 14: A vacation you would like to take.
Day 15: A person you admire.
Day 16: A song that makes you cry.
Day 17: An art piece.
Day 18: A time when you felt passionate and alive.
Day 19: A talent of yours.
Day 20: A hobby of yours.
Day 21: Something you know you do differently than most people.
Day 22: A website.
Day 23: A way in which you want to be remembered.
Day 24: A movie no one would expect you to love.
Day 25: A recipe.
Day 26: A childhood memory.
Day 27: A physical feature you love.
Day 28: A scar you have and it's story.
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans you have for the next 365 days.
Day 30: A motto or philosophy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I have A LOT of favorite movies, but one of the tops is definitely Narnia. I love movies with a lot of action and drama and excitement, but one of the main reasons I like this particular series, is that it is based off of the story of Christ in so many ways. C.S Lewis, the author of the Chronicles of Narnia series actually was converted to Christianity with the help of J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of Lord of the Rings). They both put Biblical truths and stories in their works (although, in Lord of the Rings, it's a bit harder to see.) So why did these two friends use myths and magic to portray the story of Christ? Both believed that, through myth and legend (which many people used for centuries to get out their deepest thoughts) the Bible's "True Myth" could be "smuggled" past the barriers of secularized readers........(now watchers.) 
I think it's just so incredibly interesting to watch the movies and depict who everyone relates to and what stories and messages are in there. So, if you haven't seen the movies, I highly recommend them. They are 
WONDERFUL movies. 
God's the LION and the Lamb!

I LOVE this picture because it really shows us that God really is right here beside us like Aslan is to Susan.
Another amazing demonstration of His love for us.
A demonstration of how Satan can use what we like to tempt  and lure us into his traps.
Faith like a child....................
Aslan has got to be one of my favorite characters. He is so Majestic, yet so Gentle.
Just like God...................

One of my favorite parts about Narnia is, believe it or not........the music!!  I think the composers and musicians really hit it with this one because EVERYONE I talk to loves this music. I know I do, because I have the soundtracks for the first two, but the song I like the best out of all is "The Battle." It's incredible! I think you will really enjoy it too! And don't forget to check out the movies......and try to see all the comparisons with that and the Bible! :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Every Life is Beautiful

Psalm 139:13 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb."

Yesterday at church, the drama team, performed a skit, written by my good friend Morgan, about abortion. It's really so sad that people in America take away precious life for convenience. A baby is not just some tissue, it is a precious life that God loves! One of my very favorite movies ever is October Baby. If you haven't seen it, I greatly encourage you to. You will not finish the movie without crying (and laughing........a movie isn't a good one unless it has some humor :-)) It was very well done and the acting was superb. Another good movie about that is Sarah's Choice.  If you know anyone today who might be going through a situation where they don't know whether to abort their baby, I highly recommend those. So take some time today and pray for those mothers and babies. And remember EVERY LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!

                                    Two AMAZING movies. One IMPORTANT thought.

                                          Here is a song that I really love from October Baby.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Just say "NO!"

Today, in our morning devotions we talked about the word "Temptation." What exactly is Temptation?
The official dictionary definition is this:
  1. Temptation

    1.the act of tempting; enticement or allurement.
    2.something that tempts, entices, or allures.
    3.the fact or state of being tempted, especially to evil.
    4.an instance of this.
    5.( initial capital letter ) the temptation of Christ by Satan. Matt. 4.
      When the Lord wants you to study and "dig into" something for a purpose, he'll bring it up in more than one place, which is exactly what he did for us, especially for my Mom. She has been reading the book "Fear" from the Be in Health Ministries and it has been talking about temptation. Temptation is a Spirit from Satan's heaven. Yes, Satan's heaven is right there in the middle. The first heaven is Earth, were we are. And the third Heaven is where God is, but there is also a second heaven, where Satan is. When he got kicked out of God's heaven, he was "cast below." Satan's "heaven," which is more like a realm, is not hell though. But, Satan's "heaven" is more close to Earth. He and his disembodied evil spirits, come to temp us and lie constantly. I think that is their favorite hobby. They find it humorous and fun, like little children playing tricks. So, does that mean we should just stand around and let Satan and his "little helpers" just tempt us to to wrong and just keep on saying "Oh, it's Satan's fault. There was nothing I could do!" Of course not! There's just one simple thing you have to say. "No!" Satan HATES that word, like a little child whose mom told him he couldn't have a toy. Satan likes "Yes, yes YES!" But we have to say "NO!" 
    So, just as my mom, was reading that book, in our "Bible Truths" this morning comes a lesson about what? Temptation! There's not one person on this earth, Christian or not, who can say, "Satan can't tempt me. I always say "No!" Because everyone, young and old is a victim to the Devil. But with God's word in your heart, when Satan tries to tempt you, you can quote scripture and say "No!" Just like when he tried to tempt Jesus in the desert. Jesus quoted and after defeat three times in a row, (yes, Satan is persistent!) he fled. So next time when Satan tries to tempt you, say "NO!" 

Since, I always like to relate my posts to songs, (since there are songs about EVERYTHING :) here is a couple songs about temptation. The first one I found and the second one is a fun one that I learned in VBS one time and immediately came to mind. Enjoy!

Monday, January 14, 2013

As long as it's for the Lord

Yesterday Evening, we had our Winter Recital (even though it felt more like a Spring Recital!) It was definitely a LONG Recital, because there were several different teachers with all of their students playing all different instruments and singing. Piano, voice, violin, viola, guitar, cello, harp, percussion.....if I'm not forgetting anything! :) But it was a good one! It's wonderful to see all the different students (Preschoolers to adults) using their ability and gift to worship God. It was nice to think even then as we were playing classical pieces, as long as we are doing it for the Lord, He loves it! Here is also a link to a song (below) that is really good, that emphasizes that thought "As long as it's for the Lord................" I thank God everyday for Friends and Music!!
Here are also some pictures of the Recital. (Sorry, there's none of me, because my Mom was video taping and my Dad was sick :( Oh well.

Laura's first recital with her viola.......she's so sweet!

Aren't they soooooooo cute!!

Our worlds TWO next greatest opera singers! :)

It is truly wonderful when a whole family plays together! :)

This is an especially good song for parents with little ones
You'll know why when you hear it..............:)
                                                                           God Bless!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Better than a Hallelujah

Wow! I haven't blogged since last year! I can't believe another year has gone by and 2013 is upon us. The Lord has been so good in 2012, I can't wait to see all the things He does this year.

This is one of my favorite songs, (although it seems like every song is my favorite:) that Amy Grant sings (also one of my favorite artists!) One of my friends, Emily told me about it, and said it was so sad (and good!) and I just had to see it. I also thought it was touching, so I hope you like it, I know I did!

This song really shows that God does like to hear our cries..........he wants us to pray or just talk to Him and pour our hearts out to Him.Of course we're all sinners, but He loves when we repent and cry for forgiveness.  He just wants to be your friend! To Him some things are just better than a Hallelujah. Enjoy! :)
