Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blessing Ceremony Pictures... FINALLY!

    Hello Y'all! So I know it's been again awhile since I've last written. I'm so sorry and I promise I will try to be more consistent. Recently God has strengthened my passion for writing, so I thought I'd go back to blogging. I'll try to start where I left off... which was the beginning of this year. I mentioned I had a blessing ceremony back in December and so here are some of the pictures...

All photo creds go to Cailin and Kelsey... they are *amazing*.

                                                                         Our setup

                             Practicing...we played Canonic Sonata for Two Violins in G Major

The delicious desserts. Red velvet cupcakes made by my mother and decorated by myself and Kelsey along with cannoli's... being part Italian, they just had to be there. :)

                                                           The "entrance" decor

                                                     (Part of) My *fabulous* worship team

My father opening the ceremony

The speakers. All of these women have had some special part in my life and I dearly love and appreciate every one of them.

                                          One of my best friends... the sister I never had. <3

                                                               My Mother's Speech
                                                            My grandfather and father

                                            My dear lil brother with the sweetest words...

                                         And talented Sophia playing her beautiful grand harp

                                                               The "after party" ;)


                                                                          Cailin :)