Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cookies and Carols

Here are some pictures of the Cookies and Carols Party we were at last night. It was more like a girls party, because almost all of the dads and sons were out in the freezing cold on the bay, fishing! But we still had a great time. I will try to post some more behind-the-scenes of carols later, but for now pictures from yesterday!

Lizzie Olsen, Sophia Shedd, and Me
Olivia Shedd
Story Time!
Maybe a little off key! :-)
....and a partridge in a pear tree!
Sister Songs!

My dear friend Sophia Shedd did this five-strand braid on me and we both thought it was so cool-looking, so I just had to show you all! I hope you enjoyed the pictures!



  1. Fun! The five-strand braid is so cool; I've tried it before, but never on someone with long enough hair to look that good. :) -Kendal

    1. Thanks Kendal. It was definitely fun! I've never tried it before, but I probably could if I had someone to do it on. I just figured out the four-strand though, and that's fun!


I really love hearing what you think about my posts (no matter how old), and I always veiw them before posting, so please feel free to comment! :) ~Rachel