Wednesday, February 6, 2013

5th Year Anniversary

In January, we had a 5 year anniversary of our family integrated service. The Lord has been so good to all of us and I'm excited to see what else He will do through this service. Thank you so much to our wonderful Pastor, Brad Shedd! My good friend, Sophia and I took lot's of pictures of the memorable day, so here they are. Enjoy!

Pastor Brad Shedd and Alyson Shedd

Julianna Shedd is an adorable photogenic little girl......isn't she? :)

And her older sister (and best friend) Laura

Becca Pollard. Isn't she sweet?

The boys love to play football after shared meals on the first Sunday of each month.

The clean-up crew! :)

Little Brennan Shedd always has his different little "faces." We all love him!

So does Mr. Mitchell. We all love him too! :)

.........and finally me, Hannah Grace, and Sophia (a.k.a. "The Three Musketeers!")  These friends are amazing (as well as many others!) Thank you Jesus for a wonderful church family! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesom pics! I loved them! Great job Rachel...What a neat idea. :)



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